Virtual Author Event—Postcards from the Borderlands

Virtual Author Event
Postcards from the Borderlands
By David Mould
About the Author
David H. Mould, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of Media Arts and Studies at Ohio University. Currently, he is leading a team that is working for UNICEF Bangladesh to help university faculty develop curricula and research capacity in communication for development (C4D). From 2011, he directed a global training course on C4D for UNICEF, with over 400 staff members completing online modules and a two-week workshop. He also works as an journalism and media trainer, and as a freelance writer. In addition to Postcards from the Borderlands, he is the author of two other books on travel, history and culture—Postcards from Stanland: Journeys in Central Asia (Ohio University Press, 2016) and Monsoon Postcards: Indian Ocean Journeys (Ohio University Press, 2019).
About the Book
What are borders? Are they simply political and geographical, marked by posts, walls and fences, or should we think of them more broadly? Consider the borders within countries, determined by race, ethnicity, or caste. Borders may be physical and economic, and even perceptual—the borders of our minds.
In Postcards from the Borderlands, David Mould rambles through a dozen countries in Asia, Southern Africa and Eastern Europe by car, bus, train, shared taxi and ferry, exploring what borders mean to their peoples.