Meet The Author- This Place of Silence: Ohio’s Cemeteries & Burial Grounds

Meet The Author- This Place of Silence: Ohio’s Cemeteries & Burial Grounds 12153961 featured image

Book by Ian Adams                                                                             

This Place of Silence, by Ohio photographers Ian Adams and Randall Lee Schieber, is a collection of images from more than one hundred cemeteries in all eighty-eight counties, highlighting the charming chapels, magnificent mausoleums and monuments, stately statues, graceful gravestones and rich history of Ohio’s cemeteries. Chapters cover Native American and Early Burial Grounds; the Evolution of Cemeteries; Architecture, Statuary and Symbolism; The Natural Environment; Military and Institutional Cemeteries; Distinctive Traditions and Distinctive Places. Books will be available for sale and signing at the event.